The filament on my fiber optic front sight broke this weekend while I was cleaning my TRP. So I had to bust out the spare. This is my first time replacing a filament, and it was extremely simple.
Required Tools:
- Replacement filament
- Lighter
- Diagonal cutters
Remove any remnants of the broken filament, and clean the front sight while you have it out.
The replacement filament that I had did not have a pre-formed dot, so I got to make my own. In hind sight I would cut off one provided to make my own again. I heated the filament by getting the flame of the lighter in close proximity to it, no need to touch the flame to the filament. I then gently recessed the molten bulb into the front sight. This produced a much smaller bulb than the factory provided, so far I much prefer it to the oversized factory dot.
Next I marked the filament with my Benchmade, then I removed and trimmed it to a length I felt appropriate. (about an 1/8") Then I got the flame of the lighter near the plastic filament again and formed the bulb on the front. That's about it.
Feel free to leave any questions as comments on the blog, thanks for reading.
Keep Shooting,
A breeze to do -